33 Weeks

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

I apologize... I realize that I've only been doing weekly updates, and we have so, so much more to tell you about!  So much going on and tons of prep work for baby gives me a lot of updating to do, but not much time to do it.  Hopefully things will be calming down a bit, and I can tell you about everything that has been going on.  Until then, here is the latest bumpdate!

How far along: 33 weeks
Size comparison:  Baby Hawk is about the size of a pineapple (holy moly.)  17+ inches and a little over 4 pounds.
Baby nickname:  H., Baby H., Peanut
Baby bump:  I feel so huge.  Seriously.  Ginormous.
Gender Prediction:  Boyyyyyy.
Weight gain: 27 pounds.  
Maternity clothes:  You bet! Still loving maxi dresses.
Stretch marks: No, but I have a feeling my time is nearing...  Last night, I thought I noticed a couple, but I must have just scratched my stomach because it was gone in the morning (I've underestimated the size of my bump and actually bumped into the doorway once... or twice.)
Belly button in or out:  In.
Wedding rings on or off:  Wedding band is tight some days.  Still staying strong, though.
Sleep:  Still waking up a few times per night.
Best moment this week:  Dubuque baby shower!  Loved every second of seeing some of my family (including my sister-in-law who flew in from Colorado!) and some of my friends. :)
Worst moment this week:  I am wicked uncomfortable.  Baby needs to turn/move/something.  Annnnd, looking at the picture above and realizing just how flabby my arms have gotten!  Embarrassing.  
Miss anything:  Feeling comfortable. 
Movement:  Lots of full body movements lately... Hoping that means baby will be turning soon?!
Cravings:  Non-citrus fruit (grapes, blueberries, cantaloupe and strawberries are tops now) and veggies with ranch dressing.  Thanks to the weekend home with my dad, I'm also really digging egg and cheese sandwiches using English muffins.
Queasy or sick:  Feeling pretty good!  My heartburn is getting better now that I have eliminated EVERYTHING I like.
Labor signs:  Nope.  I will die when I say yes.
Happy or moody:  So very happy!
Looking forward to:  Staying home with my hubby this weekend!! :)

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