32 Weeks

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

How far along: 32 weeks
Size comparison:  Baby Hawk is about the size of a jicama (I had to look it up).  16 3/4 inches long and 3.75 pounds.  Feels more like 10.
Baby nickname:  H., Little H., Baby H.
Baby bump:  Growing more and more each day!  Although I have been told that I don't look as big in person as I do in the bump pictures.
Gender Prediction:  Boy!  More and more people are also voting boy.
Weight gain: 25 pounds.  Supposed to be gaining about 1 pound per week from here on out.
Maternity clothes:  You bet! 
Stretch marks: No, but I have a loooong 7.5 weeks to go!
Belly button in or out:  In.
Wedding rings on or off:  Wedding band is on but getting tight.
Sleep:  Same as always... Although I've had a couple nights where I only got up once.
Best moment this week:  Omaha baby shower!  Aunt Paige and Great Aunt Kristen hosted an absolutely beautiful and fun baby shower.  Baby Hawk is awful lucky and loved.
Worst moment this week:  Feeling a little under the weather this weekend.  Lack of sleep, long days at work and heartburn really took a toll on me... Thankful for the baby shower for a nice pick-me-up!
Miss anything:  Intense workouts like I used to do. I would give anything to run a half marathon right now... Throw on an Insanity workout... Anything.  I feel super flabby and lazy. 
Movement:  Movements are changing... Less constant, little movements and more slow, big movements these days.  I'm waiting for a leg or arm to come through my skin ;-)
Cravings:  Nothing specific.
Queasy or sick:  Still battling heartburn/reflux...  I'm also trying to battle the slow start of a cold/sore throat/sinus congestion.
Labor signs:  No. Despite what I told my husband as an April Fool's joke! 
Happy or moody:  Happy!
Looking forward to:  Our trip to Dubuque!!  Although this trip to Dubz will be unlike any other that I've ever had (no late night boozing with my buds.  Weird.)

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