Presenting Baby Hawk, Round 2

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

We caved.  There was no way we could stand not seeing our baby from week 20 until birth.  So, today we went in for an optional 3D ultrasound.  Excellent life decision!  It was absolutely worth everything to see our little babe again, this time in such ridiculous amounts of detail it's almost frightening.
What we learned today?  Not the gender.  Bryce wasn't caving on that.  The very first thing he said to me today about the appointment was "They know that we don't want to know the sex, right?"  No luck for this momma.  However, Chupa is a stubborn little one.  Very, very stubborn.  Currently breech, and very unwilling to move.  Turns out, he is very comfy with his feet resting snugly on his forehead with his little tiny fingers wrapped firmly around his toes and feet.  He/she/it moves all night long, until the one hour that we want movement... And... We get nothing.  Yeah, I've known for a while that I will have my hands full.  Also, babe's got some hair, and more than the average 29 week old babe (it would be easier for me to show you in person).
Luckily, our sonographer was amazing.  She spent extra time with us over our allotted appointment time so we could get some images of the babe's face, put me in several different positions to try and encourage movement, and was pretty hilarious, to boot.  I'm so thankful for her time and talents, because we finally got some fabulous images of Chupa's face.  You know I had tears streaming down my own face.
Pretty sure that the babe will look mostly like Bryce, especially his eyes and nose.  We vote my mouth.  But really, what the hell do we know?  We're lucky if we can identify half of the body parts during these exams.  What do you think?
Alas, a random sampling of the beautiful images:  

This is basically what we saw for the first 15 minutes.  A mess of hands and feet in front of the face.

A little better... (Semi-decent shot of left eye with foot in front of face)

Thinking about maybe moving - hand on forehead.  You can see the left eye, part of nose and mouth.

Finally starting to reveal his/her face, but really not happy about it...  Check out that frown.

Big yawn!  Not at all impressed with this exam.  Maybe he/she shouldn't stay up all night partying.  What was it that my mom used to tell me as a teen?  "Up all night, sleep all day!"

Pinky wrapped around the bottom of the foot... Letting go!

 It's a face!  (You can't tell me this doesn't look like Bryce...)

 Or this....

Orrrr this..... 

 Really just wants to nap.

More feet!

Those are definitely Mom's lips.

Well folks, hope you enjoyed Baby Hawk's 3D preview.  We loved every second!  I am sure I will look at these pictures every day for the next 74 days.  We are so excited to meet our little Chupa!

1 comment:

  1. Love love love! Tell Baby Hawk that he is much more cooperative than his friend ever was! The most we got was one half of a face shot. I definitely agree, there is a pic in there that looks like Bryce! Can't wait!
