How far along: 29 weeks
Size comparison: Baby is the size of a butternut squash - just over 15 inches long and 2.5 pounds.
Size comparison: Baby is the size of a butternut squash - just over 15 inches long and 2.5 pounds.
Baby nickname: Chupa
Baby bump: Getting larger by the day!
Baby bump: Getting larger by the day!
Gender Prediction: Boy. Although after the shenanigans the baby pulled during the 3D/4D ultrasound, I might lean a little toward the girl side ;-)
Weight gain: 21 pounds. WHERE is the weight coming from?!
Maternity clothes: I reached a new milestone today... My maternity pants are just a bit too big, and my belts obviously don't fit, so, I had to borrow my husbands belt. Yep, true story.
Stretch marks: Still knocking on wood.
Belly button in or out: Somewhat in.
Wedding rings on or off: Wedding still standing strong.
Sleep: Not good. Not good at all. I'm fairly sure you can see the exhaustion on my face in the above picture.
Best moment this week: Our ultrasound!! It was so good to see our little peanut!!! I cannot wait to meet him/her! :) :) :)
Worst moment this week: I'm really, really tired.
Miss anything: Sleep. Feeling comfortable. The ability to stand on my feet all day. Drinking a glass of wine after a ridiculous day at work.
Movement: All the time!! Except when we want it... I've been feeling somewhat painful kicks on my left side and down low. Baby is getting strong.
Cravings: Nothing, really. There isn't much that sounds good when everything gives you heartburn.
Queasy or sick: Exhausted. I'd love more than two hours of sleep at a time. Isn't this the time when I'm supposed to be getting my rest? I guess it's just good prep for Bryce and me.
Labor signs: Nothing so far! Thank God!
Happy or moody: Happy!!
Looking forward to: Sleeping.
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