How far along: 31 weeks
Size comparison: Baby is the size of a coconut. 16 inches long and weighs 3.3 pounds... And supposedly heading into a growth spurt!
Size comparison: Baby is the size of a coconut. 16 inches long and weighs 3.3 pounds... And supposedly heading into a growth spurt!
Baby nickname: H., Little H., Baby H. Can you sense a theme, here?
Baby bump: Definitely growing! Bryce and I can often see how the baby is positioned, and we can definitely see when he/she is all curled up because it makes a nice lump on my stomach. So funny!
Baby bump: Definitely growing! Bryce and I can often see how the baby is positioned, and we can definitely see when he/she is all curled up because it makes a nice lump on my stomach. So funny!
Gender Prediction: Still going with boy... But I'm really dying to find out.
Weight gain: 25 pounds... ish. Honestly, I vary between 23-25 pounds depending on when I weigh myself, how much water I've had to drink, and if I have used the bathroom recently or not. I am a little bummed because 25 pounds is the total I wanted to gain for the pregnancy... and I still have 8.5 weeks to go. Yikes!
Maternity clothes: I love dresses. They fit and are super comfy... So I will likely be living in them until H. arrives.
Stretch marks: None. Although I've noted some skin darkening around my belly button (they say this can occur all over the body, including the face. Luckily that's not the case for me so far.) My linea nigra has now extended from the top of my belly button to a couple inches under my rib cage.
Belly button in or out: Staying in.
Wedding rings on or off: Wedding band is on.
Sleep: I average about three trips to the bathroom per night. I'll let you decide how I'm sleeping.
Best moment this week: On my feet all day with minimal swelling. I will take it as a pregnancy win!
Worst moment this week: Went to my first wedding while pregnant... Not only was I one of three total sober party-goers, but my heartburn was OOC (out of control) so I couldn't eat, and I looked/felt like a whale. Ummm... I also woke up the next morning feeling like I had a wicked hangover. WTF?!
Miss anything: Drinking and dancing like a fool at weddings.
Movement: We still get a kick out of seeing the baby move inside my tummy! H. must still be breech, because when I'm not feeling the movements in the middle of my stomach, they are down very low, as well as, off to the right of my stomach (same as they were when we had our sonogram indicating a breech babe.)
Cravings: Cream cheese... Especially when used in grape salad! Not much else that I'm craving these days.
Queasy or sick: Diet modifications are helping but not controlling things 100%...
Labor signs: No.
Happy or moody: Happy! Baby is healthy and apparently very happy... Which makes for a very happy momma!
Looking forward to: Maternity pictures! I decided at the last minute I needed to have some maternity pics, so I contacted our newborn photographer and she fit us in for the first week of April!