Change of Scenery

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Happy Tuesday!  There have been a lot of changes around our house, lately.  Baby prep mode has been in full swing!  This is just a sample of what we've been doing the last week or so.

Our delivery after I completed our Target registry....  Lots of things for Bryce to put together, and lots of things for me to clean and wash...

Bryce then attempted to install carseats in each of our cars before we had them inspected by the police department.  85% of carseats are installed incorrectly, so super important to make sure you have them inspected!

Bryce putting together the Mamaroo!  Can't they make one of these adult size?  It's pretty awesome.

Loads and loads and loads of itty bitty blankets, shirts, socks, sheets, etc...

On to the highchair!

Yes.  In-between all the baby prep, part of my nesting has been to redo gallery walls in our house.  Bryce hard at work putting up the staircase mini-gallery wall!

End results:

Final product after inspection.  Can't believe I have a carseat in my car.

Baby Hawk has a place to eat when he/she is ready!

Bottles take for-ev-er to clean.

Carseat is just hanging out in the living room for right now.

 No, seriously.  I want a Mamaroo.

 Not totally finished... We need two new pictures in the middle row (currently vertical pics in a horizontal frame) and the bottom left frame has since been changed to a thick frame like the others in the same row.

Much more to come!  Just thought I'd give you a quick update on some things we've been up to.  We have our doctors appointment tomorrow and we are so excited to see how things are going!

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