It's a Girl!

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Miss Stella was born on May 20.  She weighed in at 7 lbs, 6 oz and measured 19 inches long.  She has a full head of dark hair, big eyes, chubby cheeks, and the most perfect little lips I've ever laid eyes on.

Stella proved to be a drama queen right from the start, with a 24 hour labor followed by an emergency c-section.  I attempted to labor without an epidural so I could move around to help the dilation process along.  I was fine for the first 12 hours, despite the horrible back labor (yes, back labor is the absolute worst.)  
Popsicles got me through long, strong contractions.
Obviously not in a contraction, here!
Eventually, the pain started radiating up my back, and down my legs - it honest to God felt like someone broke my back.  I eventually started crying and holding my breath from pain, and deiced an epidural was absolutely necessary.  About 20 hours after labor began, I was almost completely dilated, with a tiny portion of my anterior cervix left.  Stella's head was also not in the correct position for delivery.  My contractions really started to slow down, and, unfortunately, I was given a small amount of Pitocin to try and pick the contractions back up and help her turn her body position for delivery.  It worked for the first 20 minutes, but again, the contractions started to cease.  I guess after 24 hours, my uterus just tuckered out.  Hence, the c-section.
Right before surgery
Welcome, Stella Rose!

Our first family picture
Recovery has been a bit of a process, but it is all 110% worth it, no doubt about that.  Luckily, my surgeon was exceptional.  While in the hospital, Stella lost approximately 10% of her body weight, dropping from 7 lbs, 6 oz, to 6 lbs, 11 oz.  Mom and Dad chose to breastfeed from the beginning, and it was a rough road getting started, hence the weight loss.  I ended up leaving the hospital having to wear a shield with Bryce holding a syringe with 20 mL of formula for supplementation, attached to a tiny NG tube that was placed inside the shield to provide extra calories for Ms. Stella to gain weight.  What.a.mess.  Then, after every feeding (which hurt like heck), I had to turn around and pump for at least 15 minutes to help my milk come in.  I wish I could say I was joking.  The feeding process took approximately one hour, then I had to wash pump parts, and prepare to feed Stella again in a couple hours.  It makes me tired just thinking about our time at the hospital.  Then there was also the blue incident, where two times in one afternoon, Stella had begun coughing/gagging and turned a little blue/purple.  Talk about terrifying, especially for a brand-new, first time momma.  She ended up spending a couple hours in the NICU for observation.

Drema, Pappy and Nonna sure look bright-eyed for 4:00am
Stella already has Daddy wrapped around her pinky

Phew!  What  story.  Now we are at home, adjusting to our new life as a family of four (we can't forget about Stella's puppy brother, Ozzie!)  And even though it is exhausting and a total time-suck, it is wonderful.
Going home!
I've decided that I will continue to update the blog in order to share Stella's story so her family and friends can watch her grow.  I hope you enjoy the next chapter of our story as much as I am excited to share it!

38 Weeks

Thursday, May 15, 2014

How far along: 38 weeks, 5 days
Size comparison: Baby Hawk is about the size of a bunch of a leek - 19.5 inches long, almost 7 pounds!
Baby nickname: Baby H.
Baby bump:  Still huge, but changing shape.  Bryce and I thought it was funny to see how the baby's change in position made my bump size appear smaller (last week my bump looked ginormous!)
Gender Prediction:  I am still mostly indifferent, but my vote sways toward boy
Weight gain: 35-ish pounds, varies depending upon how swollen I am! 
Maternity clothes: Living in dresses until Baby Hawk's birth day! 
Stretch marks: If I have any, I can't see them!
Belly button in or out: In.
Wedding rings on or off:   Off.  
Best moment this week:  Doctors appointment!  And having Grandma (Nona) Hays and Great Grandma Pigneri prepare some frozen meals for after Baby H's arrival!  No cooking necessary for this momma!  Annnnd, ridiculous amounts of nesting has left me with an ultra organized closet, every piece of clothing I own clean, a spotless master bathroom and bedroom.
Worst moment this week: Getting even less sleep!  Carpal tunnel has gotten a little worse as well.
Miss anything:  Shoes that fit.  For real, I'm over this swelling. 
Movement:  Movements are changing... Baby is running out of room and constantly trying to stretch for more room.
Cravings:  Fruity anything!  I have a new found love for 7-11 blue raspberry and wild cherry slurpees! 
Queasy or sick:  The usual heartburn!
Labor signs:  Braxton-hicks contractions getting stronger and more frequent!  Dilated 1.5-2 cm and 100% effaced.
Happy or moody: Happy!!!
Looking forward to:  Contractoins, water breaking... Some sort of sign we will get to meet our baby soon!

37 Weeks

Thursday, May 8, 2014

How far along: 37 weeks (ready to hit 38 on Saturday!)
Size comparison: Baby Hawk is about the size of a bunch of swiss chard (I have no reference for this).  19 inches long and approximately 6 1/3 pounds. 
Baby nickname: Baby H.
Baby bump:  HUGE! I swear it is growing by the day.  I can't bend over, roll over, stand up, sit down, or fight fight fight.
Gender Prediction:  I don't know anymore, I just want to find out!!
Weight gain: 34 pounds.  Yeah, tell me about it. 
Maternity clothes: Maternity clothes (dresses and skirts). some of my own athletic shorts and Bryce's t-shirts! 
Stretch marks: I'm still not sure if the little thing on my stomach is actually a stretch mark or not.
Belly button in or out: In.
Wedding rings on or off:   Off.  
Best moment this week:  Doctors appointment!
Worst moment this week: I can't really recall anything in particular.  Guess it was a good week!
Miss anything:  Feeling comfortable.  Feet that don't swell.  Not having to pee every single time I stand up.
Movement:  This baby is constantly on the go.  Constantly.  Hope that means he/she will be tired after his/her arrival! ;-)
Cravings:  Fruit.  Including, but not limited to the actual frut itself, frut juice, fruit snacks, fruit popsicles.  Any kind that doesn't give me heartburn. 
Queasy or sick:  The usual heartburn!
Labor signs:  Braxton-hicks contractions every so often, and some cramping with dull back pain/cramping, usually at night.  I'm also almost completely effaced and dilated about 1 cm.  Our doctor said the baby's head is "very low" and she felt it!  So crazy!
Happy or moody: Happy!!!
Looking forward to:  Meeting this baby!!!  I'm ready to ge this show on the road!! (In about a week!)

Change of Scenery

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Happy Tuesday!  There have been a lot of changes around our house, lately.  Baby prep mode has been in full swing!  This is just a sample of what we've been doing the last week or so.

Our delivery after I completed our Target registry....  Lots of things for Bryce to put together, and lots of things for me to clean and wash...

Bryce then attempted to install carseats in each of our cars before we had them inspected by the police department.  85% of carseats are installed incorrectly, so super important to make sure you have them inspected!

Bryce putting together the Mamaroo!  Can't they make one of these adult size?  It's pretty awesome.

Loads and loads and loads of itty bitty blankets, shirts, socks, sheets, etc...

On to the highchair!

Yes.  In-between all the baby prep, part of my nesting has been to redo gallery walls in our house.  Bryce hard at work putting up the staircase mini-gallery wall!

End results:

Final product after inspection.  Can't believe I have a carseat in my car.

Baby Hawk has a place to eat when he/she is ready!

Bottles take for-ev-er to clean.

Carseat is just hanging out in the living room for right now.

 No, seriously.  I want a Mamaroo.

 Not totally finished... We need two new pictures in the middle row (currently vertical pics in a horizontal frame) and the bottom left frame has since been changed to a thick frame like the others in the same row.

Much more to come!  Just thought I'd give you a quick update on some things we've been up to.  We have our doctors appointment tomorrow and we are so excited to see how things are going!

36 Weeks

Thursday, May 1, 2014

How far along: 36 weeks, 6 days
Size comparison:  Baby Hawk is about the size of a head of romaine lettuce, 18.5 inches long and approximately 6 pounds.  Our doctors appointment yesteraday measured my fundal height at 35 centimeters, which is small for where we are right now, so I'm not exactly sure where that puts Baby H.
Baby nickname:  Baby H.
Baby bump:  You can often see where the legs/feet stick out at the right side of my stomach, and you can definitely see the bulge in the upper left part of my bump where the babes rump is located.
Gender Prediction:  Still kinda leaning toward boy.  I think I am just too excited to find out that I just can't predict anymore.
Weight gain: 31 pounds.  
Maternity clothes:  Maternity pants are finally fitting better... 3 weeks from my due date.
Stretch marks: Maybe one?  It's really small so I can't tell quite yet.  I'm sure I'll have a better update for you next week ;-)
Belly button in or out:  In.
Wedding rings on or off:  Off.  Not attempting putting anything on these sausages nowadays.
Sleep:  Waking up two times a night.  Sometimes three.  Or four.  Although I did take a nap after work yesterday, and it.was.glorious.
Best moment this week:  Carseat installed.  All remaining baby purchases have been made.
Worst moment this week:  I'm just exhausted.  And every joint in my body aches.
Miss anything:  My side of the bed.  Bryce and I had to switch sides for the first time in forever because it's easier for me to get out of bed from that side (I just have to scoot my butt out!)  I do miss feeling like my old self and my energy.
Movement:  Lots and lots of big movements.  Baby H. may be growing, but it sure isn't slowing him/her down.
Cravings:  Whatever doesn't give me heartburn.  I've also been craving ice cream lately for some odd reason.  I indulged over the weekend with a scoop of chocolate ice cream with raspberries and caramel sauce on top from Culvers and it was heavenly. 
Queasy or sick:  Feeling pretty good, aside from some reflux/heartburn.
Labor signs:  I'm fairly certain that I have started some Braxton-Hicks contractions.  I guess that time is nearing, huh?
Happy or moody:  Happy!  Tired.... which leads to a little bit of over-sensitivity... But really just happy.
Looking forward to:  Getting my house back in order from our baby-buying extravaganza.  I also still need to pack my hospital bag... Whoops.