24 Weeks

Friday, February 7, 2014

How far along: 24 weeks (Dangerously close to 25.... sorry so belated!!)
Size comparison:  Baby H is the length of an ear of corn, about 12 inches long and 1.3 lbs.
Baby nickname:  Ninja, Chalupa and Chupa
Baby bump:  Large and in charge!  I feel like a stuffed sausage.
Gender Prediction:  Boy?
Weight gain: 15 lbs.  Ohhh, $hi+.
Maternity clothes: I'd say I'm about 1 week away from maternity pants.
Stretch marks: Nope
Belly button in or out:  In
Wedding rings on or off:  Wedding band is always on... Some days I prefer to go without my engagement ring because it can get pretty tight.
Sleep: Like a log.
Best moment this week:  All nursery furniture has been purchased and we've made headway on the registry! We have also finalized an OB!! 
Worst moment this week:  Crossing a million things off my to-do list, and then adding more to the list than I crossed off.
Miss anything:  Completing the same number of tasks in a day as I did pre-pregnancy.  My house is feeling neglected.  Pretty sure I have dust an inch thick on my TV stand.  However, I did get the house vacuumed, the hardwoods scrubbed, the cabinets wiped down and a load of laundry done tonight.  I'm sure I will pay for it tomorrow, but my floors look gooooood.  I also miss drinking all the coffee my little heart desires.
Movement:  We don't call him/her ninja for nothing!  Kicks are getting stronger by the day!
Cravings:  Fruit and sweets... And by sweets I mean chocolate.  I could eat chocolate chip cookies for a meal.
Queasy or sick:  Feeling a little queasy the last few days... My stomach feels like someone used it as punching bag.  Which actually could be the case.
Happy or moody: Keeping my emotions in check this past week has been absolutely impossible.  There's always next week!
Looking forward to:  The weekend to accomplish more of my to-do list, putting the crib and dresser together, and finalizing a daycare provider.

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