27 weeks

Thursday, February 27, 2014

*Please excuse the heinous photo, pajamas and hair.  It's been a rough week but I wanted to give you all a 27 week update before we rolled into week 28! ;-)*

How far along: 27 weeks, 5 days  
Size comparison:  Baby is the size of a head of cauliflower!  Yikes!  14.5 inches long and almost 2 lbs.
Baby nickname:  Chupa, Chupaloop
Baby bump:  It's getting uncomfortable to bend down.
Gender Prediction:  Boy boy boy boy boy!
Weight gain: I tried not to weigh myself this week.  I can guarantee it's more than last week, and that's all I need to know.
Maternity clothes: This is a tough one.  My regular pants + Bella band are just not a good option, and 98% of maternity pants don't quite fit right... Sooo, I'm pretty much just calling it good with leggings at this point.  At least they're not smooshing the babe or attempting to fall to my cankles.
Stretch marks: Still stretch mark free.  Knock on wood!
Belly button in or out:  We are still in it, folks!
Wedding rings on or off:  Wedding band on.
Sleep: I feel like I never get enough.  I've been exhausted this week.
Best moment this week:  I think we found our daycare!  Fingers crossed!  We are doing another walk-through/interview tomorrow.
Worst moment this week:  Learning that one of the in-home daycares we were looking into had their license suspended last weekend.  Scary!  Looks like all my nightmares and fears that developed while thinking about daycare are completely founded.  Daycare center it is!  On a lighter note... Heartburn has set in.  The thought of food gives me reflux.
Miss anything:  Clothes that fit.
Movement:  All.The.Time.  Some kicks are pretty darn strong and boy, can they hurt.
Cravings:  Brown sugar and cinnamon anything and everything.  Cereal (Kashi with sprinkling of Cinnamon and Sugar Chex on top) and milk (on the cereal or just in a glass.)  Dijon mustard (and only dijon mustard.  On a piece of bread, with provolone cheese.)  Your guess is as good as mine.  
Queasy or sick:  I'm exhausted.  It's been a long week, and I've had sinus issues and bloody noses.  I started using my NeilMed sinus rinse every day again and putting Ayer gel in my nose which is helping.
Happy or moody: Happy! :)
Looking forward to:  Relaxing and organizing this weekend. This momma needs some rest! 

26 weeks

Thursday, February 20, 2014

How far along: 26 weeks, 5 days (and wearing the same outfit that I did during week 24... whoopers!)  
Size comparison:  Baby H. is the size of a scallion (so they say.)  
14 inches long and 1.66 lbs 
Baby nickname:  Chupa
Baby bump:  I feel ginormous.
Gender Prediction:  Boy!  I always refer to the baby as "he" and in my head, I call him by his name.  I'm going to have a hard time adjusting if Baby H. is indeed a "she!"  Although I did get my 5th girl guess today.
Weight gain: 17.5 lbs, right after lunch. ;-)
Maternity clothes: Yes!  My regular t-shirts are now belly shirts and my comfy pants aren't quite so comfy any more.
Stretch marks: Nada
Belly button in or out:  Still in!
Wedding rings on or off:  Wedding band on.
Sleep: Meh.  I have my good nights and my not-so-good nights.  On my good nights I sleep like a log.
Best moment this week:  Another good doctor's appointment!  Thankful to my doctor for putting all my fears at bay.  I bet she rolls her eyes when she sees my name on her patient list!
Worst moment this week:  Thinking earlier in the week that I was at risk for pre-eclampisa.  Yep, I'm crazy.  Nope, not at risk at all at this point.
Miss anything:  I salivate at the thought of a #9 (Italian Night Club) from Jimmy Johns.  No mayo and no onion.  Add hot peppers.  First person to bring this to the hospital after delivery gets dibs on the baby. ;-)  A Stella or a Boulevard wouldn't hurt either!
Movement:  Lots and lots of it!  10:00pm and 4:00am are Baby Hawk's party times.  Baby is very quiet after Mom's workouts.
Cravings:  Brown sugar and cinnamon anything!!! Especially cereal and almonds.
Queasy or sick:  Overall, feeling great!  A little tired the last couple days with some sinus pressure/congestion and headaches.  Nothing crazy and nowhere near as bad as I had earlier in 2nd trimester.
Happy or moody: Happy!!  I had a great week!  
Looking forward to:  Relaxing and organizing this weekend. This momma needs some rest!  

25 Weeks

Thursday, February 13, 2014

How far along: 25 weeks, 5 days.  But who is counting?
Size comparison:  Our little one is the size of a rutabaga (I don't even know what that is.)  
13.5 inches and 1.5 lbs  (I still want to know where all the other lb's are coming from.)
Baby nickname:  Chalupa, Chupa
Baby bump:  A patient today straight out asked me:  So when's the baby due?  
Even while wearing my lab coat.  Second stranger comment I've ever received.
Gender Prediction:  I still lean toward boy at this point.  I feel like I've received an overwhelming number of boy predictions thus far.  Honestly, I think I've only had 4 people guess girl.
Weight gain: 16 lbs?  17 lbs?  Who knows at this point.  Official weigh-in at our 26 week appointment next Thursday.  I eat healthy and get in 45 minutes of exercise per day.... But my recent chocolate cravings are totally negating that, I'm sure.
Maternity clothes: Started wearing maternity pants today, actually.  Why didn't I start wearing them sooner?!  So comfy!
Stretch marks: None so far.  But my stomach sureeee is stretching!  Bryce says it has that "tight, shiny" appearance now.  So I'm sure that means stretch marks are around the corner. ;-)
Belly button in or out:  In, but boy does it look funny.  I laugh every time I see it.
Wedding rings on or off:  I officially stopped wearing my engagement ring... I've had too many women tell me about how they had to have theirs cut off.  Ain't no way I'm letting that happen to my ring!  Wedding band fits just fine, though.
Sleep: Terrible.  I've had terrible, horrible nightmares involving incompetent physicians harming our baby while trying to care for me.  Then one night I didn't even sleep enough to let myself have a dream because I thought something was wrong with the baby... After a workout, he/she didn't move for what felt like forever.  Then when he/she did start to move an hour or so later (after I went to bed), the movements were really light... and I'm used to Karate Kid moves in there.  I thought something was seriously wrong and I cried for probably a solid 20 minutes.  Well, sure enough, around 4:00am, Baby Hawk was back in action and with a vengeance.  I learned three things: 1) I might be a little bat shit crazy  2) Little one is already playing games with momma... I think I'm going to have my hands full. 3) Do not, under any circumstances, RESEARCH PREGNANCY PROBLEMS ON THE INTERNET.  And don't dare read message boards.
Best moment this week:  Despite what you just read... I've actually had a really good week!  I've been feeling really good, and capitalizing on my increased energy and nesting tendencies.  Nursery furniture is put together and in place (thanks to Bryce and his dad)... Now we just need to hang pictures and then we will purchase accessories after the baby is born.  I also have to give my husband some major props - Throughout the whole pregnancy, but especially this week with all the craziness, he has completely stepped up to the plate and continued to prove just how good of a man he is, and why he is the perfect partner for me.  I cannot wait to see him as Daddy to our little one... The thought already brings tears to my eyes.  Like that's hard to do these days..  And there is your Valentine's Day Hallmark moment from the Hawks.  
Worst moment this week:  Terrible dreams and overreacting to Baby Hawk actually getting some rest while in utero.  I swear, I don't always obsessively worry like this.
Miss anything:  Umm... My sanity?
Movement:  Hahaha.  I'd rather not comment this week. ;-)  However, Bryce did say earlier this week that he couldn't believe how strong the baby movements are for the baby only being a pound.  I never thought of it that way.... But it is awful crazy!  The stronger the better for this momma, apparently.
Cravings:  Chocolate.  I have two little pieces of Dove chocolate after lunch, and two after dinner.  Yesterday, I couldn't find either of the two pieces that I packed for after lunch, and I about went through the roof.  OK not really, but I did start to frantically search my work bag. ;-)
Queasy or sick:  Feeling great!
Happy or moody: Honestly, happy!  Save the night that I overreacted to my baby sleeping.  
Looking forward to:  My next doctor's appointment and moving to appointments every two weeks.  Maybe that will help put my mind at ease? Haha.

24 Weeks

Friday, February 7, 2014

How far along: 24 weeks (Dangerously close to 25.... sorry so belated!!)
Size comparison:  Baby H is the length of an ear of corn, about 12 inches long and 1.3 lbs.
Baby nickname:  Ninja, Chalupa and Chupa
Baby bump:  Large and in charge!  I feel like a stuffed sausage.
Gender Prediction:  Boy?
Weight gain: 15 lbs.  Ohhh, $hi+.
Maternity clothes: I'd say I'm about 1 week away from maternity pants.
Stretch marks: Nope
Belly button in or out:  In
Wedding rings on or off:  Wedding band is always on... Some days I prefer to go without my engagement ring because it can get pretty tight.
Sleep: Like a log.
Best moment this week:  All nursery furniture has been purchased and we've made headway on the registry! We have also finalized an OB!! 
Worst moment this week:  Crossing a million things off my to-do list, and then adding more to the list than I crossed off.
Miss anything:  Completing the same number of tasks in a day as I did pre-pregnancy.  My house is feeling neglected.  Pretty sure I have dust an inch thick on my TV stand.  However, I did get the house vacuumed, the hardwoods scrubbed, the cabinets wiped down and a load of laundry done tonight.  I'm sure I will pay for it tomorrow, but my floors look gooooood.  I also miss drinking all the coffee my little heart desires.
Movement:  We don't call him/her ninja for nothing!  Kicks are getting stronger by the day!
Cravings:  Fruit and sweets... And by sweets I mean chocolate.  I could eat chocolate chip cookies for a meal.
Queasy or sick:  Feeling a little queasy the last few days... My stomach feels like someone used it as punching bag.  Which actually could be the case.
Happy or moody: Keeping my emotions in check this past week has been absolutely impossible.  There's always next week!
Looking forward to:  The weekend to accomplish more of my to-do list, putting the crib and dresser together, and finalizing a daycare provider.