22 Weeks

Thursday, January 23, 2014

How far along: 22 weeks, 5 days (Basically 23 weeks at this point.  Whoops.)
Size comparison:  Baby H. is the size of a spaghetti squash.  (Not a clue how big this really is.)  My sources tell me that baby H. is currently approximately 11 inches long (ohhh myyyy goodness!) and about one pound!  Baby is now starting to look like a miniature newborn!!
Baby bump:  I will let you be the judge of that.  (Although I will admit I do try to play up the bump as much as humanly possible for pics.)
Gender Prediction:  Boy.  Side note: At our appointment today, the doctor went to listen to the heartbeat, as usual.  Naturally, the babe wanted to be difficult and kept moving around, forcing the doctor to try and follow his/her movements for a reading.  The baby even kicked the doppler wand at one point, to which the doctor laughed and (jokingly) said "Wow, you truly do have a very active baby!  It's got to be a boy with all that movement."  Our doctor also votes boy. ;-)  However, heart rate was 150.
Weight gain: 13 lbs officially.  I need to stop looking at the scale.  However, I did ask the doctor because I feel like my weight really jumped up the past few weeks.  She said that my weight is absolutely normal for almost 23 weeks, and a weight jump at around 20 weeks is very common.
Maternity clothes: Maternity shirts from here on out for the length and regular pants with the Bella band.  My days of the Bella band are nearing, I'm afraid.
Stretch marks: Nope.  Slathering on the Mustela cream and drinking 70+ oz of water per day.  Please, please, please work! ;-)
Belly button in or out:  Still in but growing more shallow by the day.
Wedding rings on or off:  On
Sleep: Overall, sleep is good... Last night, however, was terrible.  I woke up at 1:30am with Chalupa kicking away, and then again at 3:45am to a 45 minute step dancing routine.  It was also at this time that I woke up starving.  Like, ready to eat Thanksgiving meal, hungry.  So I did what any good preggo would do and high-tailed it to the kitchen for some fruit, crackers and cheese.
Best moment this week:  Meeting Baby Hawk's future best friend for life, Harrison!  ...And seeing my best friend in her new role as a Mommy.  She's pretty amazing.  Also, I'm finally able to tolerate, and actually enjoy my perfume!  Sometimes it's the little things when you're pregnant.  Annnnd side note - optometrist solved the the eye twitch mystery!  New glasses with a special lens for the left eye are coming my way in a few days.  Unfortunately, my problem cannot be corrected with contacts.  Bum deal.
Worst moment this week:  A little heartburn?  My sinus problems have been exceptionally bad this week, but overall, this week has really been great!  ...Aside from work...  I've been praying for the week to end after it started on Tuesday.
Miss anything:  My energy.  And a tasty glass of wine after a rough day at work.
Movement:  Constantly.  Little Hawk is gonna be a soccer playa! :)
Cravings:  Fruit!!!  My love for fruit has finally returned!!!  I spent the last few months choking my fruits down because I knew that I needed them, but now I crave them!  Tops on the list include cherries, grapes, pineapple, raspberries and apples.
Queasy or sick:  Feeling great! ...Tired, but great!
Happy or moody: Happy!  
Looking forward to:  Finalizing a new OB.  I'm beyond sad that the worlds greatest OB is going to be moving to Wisconsin in March and will not be able to deliver our baby...  I feel like the biggest idiota calling new doctors offices and explaining that I am currently 5.5 months preggo trying to find an OB.  Awesome.   

1 comment:

  1. Aww, making me tear up during my 2:30 feeding....we LOVED hanging with you guys!!!
