21 weeks

Thursday, January 16, 2014

How far along: 21 weeks, 5 days 
Size comparison:  Baby H. is the length of a carrot.  About 10.5 inches long and 12 ounces.
Baby bump:  Oh yes!  People at work have started commenting on/talking about my bump, feeling it... It is loud and proud these days.
Gender Prediction:  Boy
Weight gain: 12 lbs.  Dun dun dunnnn. 
Maternity clothes: Maternity shirts, maternity leggings, regular pants with the Bella Band. 
Stretch marks: No.  Not now.  Hopefully not ever.... Fingers crossed!
Belly button in or out:  Still in.
Wedding rings on or off:  On
Sleep: Quite well!  Waking up around 12:30, 1:00am to Chalupa holding tumbling practice in my tummy... Other than that, sleeping well.  Almost too well 
Best moment this week:  Nursery paint near completion (thanks, Bryce!) with nursery rocker/glider purchased. 
Worst moment this week:  I started to get some occasional dizziness... Blood pressure dropping a little low.  My right eye has been twitching since Saturday so I have an eye exam this coming Monday.  My fatigue has started coming back this week as well... Although not nearly as bad as it was first trimester (thank goodness!), it is making busy days at work rather tough.  I might be falling apart.
Miss anything:  Wearing perfume, running, my old clothes, a day without back and tailbone pain.  
Movement:  All day, every day.  Especially at night!  Chalupa is a night owl.  I also started feeling movement up by my belly button... So... Different!
Cravings:  Anything spicy (the hotter the better!) and raspberry tea.
Queasy or sick:  Feelin' good in the neighborhood!
Happy or moody: Happy mostly... but there were a couple nights where I was moody as all get out.  One night, I went to the bank to cash a check after work... After I got to the bank, I realized that I left the check at work.  Tears might have been involved.  I wish I could say I were joking.
Looking forward to:  More work on the nursery and continuing the search for a daycare provider.  I also have to say I'm looking forward to more pregnancy dreams.   Lately they've been pretty comical.  Last night, I had a dream that Chalupa was born in a janky hospital and had to be transported to the "NICU" which really just looked like an old-school hospital nursery (he was actually very healthy.)  The murse that was taking care of our baby decided that he would be the one to name our child, and chose the name Chuck Reynolds.  He even made a birth certificate and told me that it was too late to change the name.  WTF.  

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