15 weeks

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

This week's bumpdate is actually coming to you on-time!

How far along: 15 weeks, 3 days
Baby bump:  Looking more chubby, that's for sure!  Even Bryce thinks I'm starting to look more prego this week.
Gender Prediction:  Still saying boy!
Weight gain:  3 lbs
Maternity clothes:  The pants are definitely tighter, and I officially no longer have a pair of dress pants that will button. 
Stretch marks: None thus far
Belly button in or out:  In
Wedding rings on or off:  On
Sleep:  Sleeping well, actually!  Although a couple nights this week I woke up thinking someone broke into our house.  So bizarre.
Best moment this week:  2 days in a row without a headache.
Worst moment this week: Long days at work and weird dreams at night!
Miss anything:  Beer.  Obviously.  It's highly likely this will be on the list every week.  I also miss lunchmeat.  I could seriously go for a lunchmeat sandwich or a sub.  
Movement:  Maybe?!
Cravings:  Citrus beverages, fruit and fruit snacks.
Queasy or sick:  Feeling great, and hungry for just about anything!  However, the thought of some of my favorite green veggies makes my stomach churn... I did get some raw veggies, plain greek yogurt and dry ranch powder to see if I can rekindle my love for broccoli!
Happy or moody:  Happy!
Looking forward to:  Baby movement!!  

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