4 Month Update

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Can it seriously be time for the 4 month 16 week update already?!  I hate to see her get bigger by the day, but as time passes, she gets much more fun (and cuter, if that was possible!) and life gets a little easier.

Length: 24.25 inches 
Weight:  13 lbs, 8 oz
Clothing size:  0-3 month things right now... We are dabbling in 3-6 months right now.  I just got Miss Thang some new onesies from J. Crew Kids in the 3-6 month size and they fit quite nicely.  J. Crew Kids has the cutest stuff!
Favorite food:  Milk!  She's still eating about every 3 hours, between 4-5 ounces these days!  he just attempted solids for the first time this week!  

Favorite song:  Hands down, that would be "The Itsy Bitsy Spider."  There is nothing that soothes that child more than this song.  If you only knew how often we sang that song the last couple weeks....
Favorite toy:  Her aquatic themed playmat, Sophie the teething giraffe and her jumperoo!

Favorite book: Room on the Broom, 10 Little Rubber Ducks.

Favorite time of day:  Morning baby, for sure!  (Even at 2:00am)  She smiles, and giggles and laughs like you wouldn't believe.  I love seeing her at all times of the day... but I really love the mornings!

Mom and Dad's observations/milestones:  Stella rolls over front to back, and even started doing barrel rolls across the living room!   She continues to expand her sound inventory, and lately has developed a gorgeous little high pitched squeal/shriek.  Oy vey.  She's certainly not afraid to let you know how she feels.  I never knew a4 month old baby could be so vocal. She holds her head up extremely well and tries to lift her head up when lying down or being propped up (like she is doing a stomach crunch.)   She is grabbing things and holding on to them.... And then promptly putting them in her mouth.  She also puts her feet on the ground and lifts her little body up so she can scoot around the floor.  She is a mega wiggle worm when you are holding her... Trying to climb up you, wiggle away from you... She sure feels a lot older than 4 months, sometimes. 

Sleeping:  Stella is really working on settling into a night time routine, where we do her last feeding at about 8.  We start with diaper change, pajamas, nurse, read a book, sing a song (or two) and then lights out.  She will sleep from about 8:30(ish) until 2 or 3am for another feeding.  Then typically it's lights out again until about 6 or so when we wake her up to feed and get ready for daycare.
Eating:  Still eating about every three hours, 4-5 ounces!  She has weaned herself, 100%, completely off of using a shield while nursing during any feeding, at any point in time during a feeding!  She also started solids after her 4 month appointment!  First up was pears, and she loved it!  Next was sweet potato, which was enjoyed equally as well!  She is able to try this between milk feedings once per day, every other day.

Stella's favorite things:  Mom's hair.  Mom's glasses.  Shirts.  Noses.  Dad's mouth.  Chins.  Faces in general.  Rolling from her back to her tummy, crying to be flipped over, being flipped to her back, and then promptly rolling back on to her tummy.  And repeat.... For 20 minutes.  She loves when people talk and sing to her. She also loves big hand gestures.  And mirrors.  The kid still.loves.mirrors.  If I were that cute though, I would love looking in mirrors, as well.

Three month notes:  Stella is a movin' and a grovin' more and more each day!  Her personality and attitude are as big as her smile.  Every day, we are impressed with her new physical developments...  I often wish she would slow her roll (literally) however, it would be nice if she would learn to roll from her tummy to her back relatively soon. ;-)