Baby Acne + 5 weeks

Monday, June 30, 2014

There are two phrases that I have really, really grown to dislike:  Every baby gets it/Lots of babies get it and It will get worse before it gets better.

Stella came down with a pretty significant case of baby acne.  It started on the entire right side of her face, right before her one month pediatrician visit.  Naturally, I thought it was some nasty rash, however, the doctor assured me that it was "a solidly moderate" case of baby acne, and to be prepared because it often "gets worse before it gets better."  Little did I realize just how worse it would get.  And the fact that it was "just acne" did not make me rest any easier - I wanted it gone.

I then started asking other momma's if they had experience with baby acne to see if they had any recommendations.  All but one told me that their child did not have baby acne, however, quickly informed me that "Lots of babies get it."  Uhhh, if "lots" of babies get it, why didn't the babies of the momma's I asked get it?!  Frustration really started to set in.

Within a day or so of her doctors visit, it spread to the left side of  her face.  About a week later, it started to look a little better on her face, however, I noticed it started to spread to her neck, chest and shoulders.  I knew it was acne, I knew it had the potential to become worse, yet I still panicked and called the doctor.  I was really starting to get upset.  It's spreading to her shoulders for Pete's sake, certainly it has turned into some sort of rash at this point, right?  Again, they assured me that it was baby acne, that it was common, that it wasn't my fault, there was nothing they really recommend doing at this point, and that I could always bring Stella in to have them look at it.  I guess it made me feel a little better.  But not much.

Naturally, I ran out and started looking at all-natural, organic hygiene products for sensitive skin for Stella because I was convinced that it would help.  Johnson and Johnson just wasn't cutting it for this momma.  After her first bath with it, her face started to clear.  Second bath with it, and it was on it's way to completely healed.  Probably purely coincidence, but it was enough to ensure we will be very choosy with our products.

The acne on her face is almost completely gone and her skin is returning to its super soft, clear state.  The stuff on her neck, shoulders and chest is still healing, but getting better.  Now I can rest a little easier.

That is, until the next thing comes up...

4 Weeks

Saturday, June 21, 2014

I much prefer saying "four weeks" versus "one month."  It sounds less grown up.  I can't believe Stella Bella has been with us for one whole month 4 weeks already.

Length:  20.5 inches
Weight:  8 lbs, 11 oz
Clothing size:  Newborn fits best, although she is sporting some 0-3 month things right now.
Favorite food:  Only getting milk at this point, which she loves.
Favorite song:  Right now she really only likes white noise.
Favorite toy:  Walls, lights, and her own face.  Not really digging any toys in particular.  However, she does enjoy her play mat for tummy time.
Favorite time of day:  Morning!  Just this week, she started getting her days and nights correct and is sleeping more at night and staying awake during the day.  Hallelujah!
Mom and Dad's observations/milestones:  Stella lifts her head really well during tummy time (although she's been lifting her head well since we were in the hospital), she will turn her head to follow noise, and for the past week has done a beautiful job of tracking objects.  She is smiling occasionally, however, whether or not it is purposeful is questionable.  Mom has noticed that she has started making different sounds.

Sleeping:  Stella is pretty much awake most of the day, taking little naps here and there.  The longest stretch of time she will sleep during the night right now is about four hours, her max duration has been five.
Eating:  Stella mostly nurses, however, she does typically get one bottle per day.  In that one bottle, she may have anywhere from 80 ml's to 120 ml's. In the words of her pediatrician, "she is a good eater!"
Stella's favorite things:  Being swaddled and cuddling with Mom and Dad.  We don't swaddle her at night when she's sleeping, only when she is being closely watched.
First month notes:  Mom and Stella survived the first bacterial flesh eating infection diaper rash.  It was about the size of a dime, but naturally Mom thought it was taking over her hiney.  With the use of Desitin, it cleared up in two days.  Stella also had some baby acne pop up.  Again, Mom thought it was another form of a disease.  It's starting to clear up nicely, now.

The Many Faces of Stella

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Miss Stella has some of the most random facial expressions, and I just can't get enough of them.  My iPhone camera is getting a serious workout trying to capture everything so we can send something to Dad while he's at work.  These shots were literally snapped within seconds of each other.  We get such a kick out of her expressions, I couldn't help but share them here!

3 Weeks

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

I can't believe my baby is three weeks old!  I really can't believe how time is flying.  This past week we have been working on trying to get Stella to sleep a little longer at night.  Typically she will sleep for about 4 to 4.5 hours, her max has been about 5.5 hours.  Slowly but surely we are making progress. She still has her days and nights mixed up a bit, and enjoys hanging out with Mom after her 1:30am feeding.  We are really, really working hard at changing that.
Bath time has significantly improved, and Stella actually seems to enjoy it now that she can be placed in the water.  This really makes Mom happy because I hated seeing her so upset at bath time!
Stella has also had a few fussy days, where she really only wants to be held and cuddled by Mom, which makes it difficult to try and get some things done around the house.  I'm feeling much better, and really just want to get my house, and life for that matter, in order.  Although, I do enjoy the baby snuggles over housework any day... and even if Stella's fussy, I love every second because I know she won't be this little forever.  And, cue hormonal, post-partum tears.

 Stella also started making some crazy eyes this week.  This kid cracks me up.  Naturally, Dad can't miss all the funny eyes and faces that she makes, so my iPhone camera is constantly getting a workout so Bryce can see everything while he's at work.

Ozzie is still trying to learn his boundaries with Stella... He wants to be as close to her as he can possibly get.  I'm sure that will change once she's a little older and begins pulling his tail and sticking her finger in his ear.

We survived the first three weeks!

Weeks 1 and 2

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

The Hawks are still adjusting to life with a newborn.  We might be a little exhausted... We aren't very good at resting when Stella rests.  I'm sure that will change after all our wonderful helpers have gone back home!

Stella is still feeding about every three hours.  We did get the okay from her pediatrician to let her go four hours one time per night between feedings, and I must say that hours helps more than you might think.  In a couple days, we can let her sleep as long as she will go once per night, but will have to continue feeds every three hours after that.  My guess is she will make it 5 hours, max.  We haven't been able to weigh little missy since her last doctors appointment when she was back up to 7lbs, 1oz, but we think she's pretty close to her birth weight now.

Stella is a very sweet baby, and very good natured.  At this point, she really only cries when something is wrong (aka, needs a diaper change, needs to be fed, wants to go her in Mamaroo).  Lately, once per day, she has a one-two hour period where the only thing that will comfort her is to be swaddled with her paci and to be rocked by momma.  This usually happens at around 1:00am, but can vary throughout the day.

Stella was introduced to her puppy brother, Ozzie.  He loves her!  He is very protective of Stella, and any time she cries, he is right by her side to ensure that everything is okay.  Some best friends in the making!

Little missy had her very first bath at home.  She did not like it one bit.  She screamed the entire time.  Her umbilical was still attached, so she could not be placed in water, just wiped down with a wet washcloth.  Since then, her umbilical cord did fall off so we could place her in a little water which has made bath time much more enjoyable for baby girl.

On her two week birthday, we started doing tummy time with Stella and so far, she loves it.  She raises her little head up, and then will lift her arms and legs up to do the  "superman."  She is surprisingly very strong already.  I hate to admit this, but Bryce and I have seen her roll over a couple times.  Totally on accident, but crazy nonetheless.  

Dad went back to work this week - Stella and I miss him a lot while he's gone!  But we are very excited to see him when he gets home!  The transition has been made much easier with Nonna and Chloe here to help.